Italy's most successful women's title, Donna Moderna, has been, since its launch 16 years ago, the absolute leader both in terms of circulation and readership. Together with its two monthly supplements, Casa Idea and Donna In Forma, and a special supp…
No text better prepares you for evaluating, choosing, and sharing quality children's literature than "Through the Eyes of a Child: An Introduction to Children's Literature. "This…
Filled with fun facts, quirky quotes, and memorable moments, this guide guarantees a gaggle of giggles and guffaws for the most devoted fan--or even the occasional…
Improve achievement in diverse classrooms with a six-part framework to help learners become motivated, create connections from prior knowledge, and acquire procedural and declarative knowledge.…
Just the core concepts you need to score high in your biology course "Biology Essentials For Dummies" focuses on just the core concepts you need to succeed in an introductory biology course. From identifying the structures and functions of plants and…